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CUTIE Project Kick-off meeting in Murcia

The CUTIE project's kick-off meeting unfolded in Murcia from the 15th to the 17th of February, graciously hosted by the esteemed Universidad de Murcia’s Team.

As highlighted on various sections of our webpage, CUTIE has evolved from the discussions, deliverables, and inquiries developed during the preceding CUTE project. Its primary goal is to delve deeper into fostering DigCompEdu (Digital Competence in Education) within European Higher Educational Institutions. In this new initiative, we aim to identify more effective ways to implement institutional actions, incorporate student perspectives, and critically examine how to prepare decision-makers for the digital transformation of teaching in our institutions.


During this meeting, our focus was on the inaugural task of the project, involving the organization of workflow to articulate visions, goals, and dynamics. Additionally, we engaged in an activity with students from the Faculty of Education, providing valuable insights into their perceptions of DigCompEdu.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Universidad de Murcia’s Team for their warm hospitality and unwavering support in hosting this pivotal kick-off meeting. Their commitment to the success of the CUTIE project has set a strong foundation for collaboration and innovation.

The primary objective of this meeting was to reaffirm the sense of group and team spirit developed during CUTE. We welcomed our new partner, the University of Zagreb, and embraced new members joining the CUTIE team for the first time. Leveraging the breathtaking natural surroundings of the Region of Murcia in southern Spain, we organized outdoor activities to foster team cohesion, refine our visions for the project, and reshape our working methods.

As CUTIE embarks on its journey, we are excited about the collaboration and innovative approaches that will unfold in our quest to advance digital competence in European higher education. Special thanks to the Universidad de Murcia’s Team for their invaluable contributions and dedication. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and insights gained along the way!